Jesus Follower, Personal

The Spiritually Tired & The Small Church

There is an 80/20 rule that says 20% of the people do 80% of the work, or to the more extreme 90/10 (90% work done by 10%). And I can tell you, we like to hang out in that working statistic.. but when you go to a small church where the same people do the… Continue reading The Spiritually Tired & The Small Church

Devotional, Jesus Follower, Uncategorized

Worship and a Prayer (Personal Devo)

Photo via Pexels Two of my most favorite places to worship this far in my life have been in the pews outside in the forest one summer in Shaver Lake, CA and the other was in the worship center up at Mount Hermon when we were on a college retreat. Both times have been away… Continue reading Worship and a Prayer (Personal Devo)